Friday, March 6, 2009

Update on Mafayo Lungu

My boss is sick with malaria and things don't look good. What was a common case of malaria for Mafayo Lungu has now become a prolonged, and seemingly futile, battle to become healthy.

I've been chafing all week at my need to be in the office. I had an important meeting between my managers from EWB and IITA today and had to stay in Chitedze to attend it. But all the while I know that Mafayo Lungu--my real boss in a way--is sick and worse up north in Kasungu.

I'm headed up to visit him on Monday morning. It makes me sick to fathom the possibility of him dying while I dither in Lilongwe. I don't know if I've ever felt so anxious about another person before--

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